Banner Pharmacy

What is a Banner Pharmacy?

A banner pharmacy is a way to be an independent pharmacy owner, while still receiving the support of a banner brand: giving you more freedom.

When you own one of our banner pharmacies you’re owning your own pharmacy independently with us in your corner, guiding you through every step. With the support and resources provided through our banner program, you can build your own brand and reputation to create a successful and thriving pharmacy. 

So, you get the benefit of owning your own pharmacy independently, while also receiving full banner support, with no banner fees. 

Peoples Pharmacy Banner Pharmacy

Banner Pharmacy Vs Franchise

Owning a banner pharmacy sounds a lot like owning a franchise, so what’s the difference?   

Banner Pharmacy: When you own a pharmacy under a banner group, you are provided with support from us with joint advertising and promotional options. You independently own your pharmacy and are not associated with a parent company.   

Franchise: With a franchise, you own a pharmacy under a parent company name, with your brand, trademark, and business system already in place.   

Owning a banner pharmacy gives you more freedom, and the ability to have your own brand, identity and control over the business. 

Our Banner Pharmacy Brands

As Canada’s fastest-growing pharmacy banner program we are committed to providing you the tools, resources and support to reach success.  Our Banner Brands include:  

Create your Own Banner Pharmacy Brand

If you would like your own pharmacy brand, we can assist with that too! While our banner pharmacy brands are a great start, sometimes you just want something unique and we get it.

Benefits of a Banner Pharmacy

You’ll receive a range of benefits that can help you grow your pharmacy. Here are some of the key advantages:

Banner Pharmacy Frequently Asked Questions

Banner Pharmacy is a pharmacy that is owned under a specific banner brand, while maintaining independence in running your pharmacy your way. 

A Banner and a Franchise are two different types of business models. A Banner is a group of independent businesses that operate under a common brand name and marketing strategy.   

These businesses are independently owned and operated but benefit from Banner’s collective purchasing power and marketing efforts.  

On the other hand, a Franchise is a business model where a company grants the right to use its trademark, products, and business processes to an individual or group of individuals in exchange for a fee. The franchisee must follow the franchisor’s established business model and guidelines in running their business. 

Nope! Whether you are looking to open a new pharmacy, change banners, or sell your pharmacy, we can help!

PBC is your one-stop solution for all your independent pharmacy needs. Our knowledgeable team of industry experts are here with you every step of the way. Our comprehensive program offers extensive support with Design, Construction, Operations, Category Management, Marketing, Pharmacy Services and our industry-leading Economic Program, all tailored to meet your specific needs and challenges. We’re dedicated to providing best-in-class guidance and support to help you achieve your goals.

As an owner of a banner pharmacy, you can expect to receive a range of marketing support services from us to help you effectively promote your pharmacy and attract customers. In a market where standing out is key, we understand the importance of arming you with the tools and resources needed to succeed. Our banner program is designed to empower businesses like yours to thrive in today’s competitive market through various marketing channels. From digital and print to social media and local store marketing, we have plenty of solutions to help you take your pharmacy to the next level.

Get in touch with us!

If you’re interested in our banner pharmacy program or learning more about what we can offer, please give us a call at 1-844-487-7877. Alternatively, you can fill out the form below and a team member will reach out to you as soon as possible.